Milagrow Nuts

Panchak Amla

Rs. 138.00
Rs. 138.00

Introducing Panchak Amla - a cherished favorite for many! Embrace the potent goodness of these five-ingredient Amla candies, crafted to perfection. Packed with powerful antibacterial properties, Amla offers a natural boost to your immune system and supports overall well-being. Indulge in the delightful blend of sweet and tangy flavors, knowing that each bite is rich with wholesome benefits. Experience the magic of Panchak Amla as it nourishes your body and invigorates your senses. Treat yourself or share this delightful treasure with loved ones, and relish the joy of embracing Amla's ancient wisdom in every captivating piece.

Hand-Picked | No Added Sugar | No Added Preservatives | 100% Raw.

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